Friday, February 4, 2011

Somebody call me a Waaahmbulance

This is just a total whingey, woe-is-me post.

I am in pain.  I have had a dodgy neck for a few weeks now, which you may recall me saying was the reason I was not going to the gym.  Well, I have been in various levels of pain & discomfort this whole time.  I was popping Voltarin like it was going out of style whilst on hols down south and I have been ever since. 

I went to the doctor on Monday and, luckily, the doctor I saw has a special interest in musculoskeletal stuff and trigger point therapy.  He briefly did a few trigger point thingies on me and it did help my neck a bit, but the pain seemed to move to my lower back, an area I have had a lot of trouble with, on & off, over the years.  Anyway, he told me I needed to get remedial massage with someone who knows how to do this trigger point therapy.  So I went on Wed night & had it.  It stirred up my lower back & sciatic pain so much I could barely walk out of there & have not been able to go to work yesterday or today due to barely being able to walk or move.  My neck was feeling a bit better though, but this morning when my alarm went off & I went to move across to turn it off (my dear mister is sleeping in the spare room because I'm in pain, to give me room if I need it - AND he brought me home cake tonight. What a wonderful man!), my lower back basically screamed & I couldn't move properly ... so I had to wriggle my way across the bed like a worm.  Somehow, in doing this, I strained my neck all over again & it has been terrible today.  So I've had both sciatic and neck pain today & am really feeling sorry for myself.

Have another appointment for follow up massage tomorrow & am nervous.  Also have to cancel on meeting my mister's cousin for brekkie tomorrow morning, and dinner tomorrow night for his friend's birthday.  I feel very bad but there's not much I can do about it. 

So basically, waaaaah!  I'm feeling very sorry for myself.


  1. sounds awful! I hope you get some relief soon xx

  2. Oh gosh. Thats not good.
    I do recommend Bowen Treatment or Therapy as is works wonderfully for that type of thing,


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