Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lucy's Day Out

Lucy went to the groomer yesterday.  She was a big scruff-ball & getting impossible to brush.  Plus it has been so hot, it was definitely time for a haircut & nice lovely shampoo & conditioning session for her.  Before shots.

My husband's foot on the right

So off we went to Ana's house.  Ana is the dog groomer, and she runs her business from home.  She also let Lucy board with her when we were on our honeymoon.  For some reason, we had to drop Lucy off at 9.30am on Saturday (sacre bleu!!), but when we got there she said she wouldn't be doing Lucy until the afternoon and there were all these other dogs there.  So why not give us an appointment time, rather than us having to get her there early and leave her there all day with other dogs??  She is so friendly to people, but does not really play well with other dogs and Ana knows this only too well.  Weirdness.

About 10 seconds after arriving home from dropping her off, I get a call from Ana telling me that Lucy is stuck in her door/gate - it has bars but no screen, and Lucy had stuck her head and shoulders through and got well & truly stuck.  Ana could not her her out - she sent me the following photos she took on her phone of Lucy stuck in the door.

Yes, she is a fool ... but funny.  Ana was quite worried because she was home alone & just could not get Lucy free by herself.  But five mins later I got a text saying Lucy was free.  It was probably quite stressful for Ana, but we had a laugh about it I must say.

So, all ended well.  We picked Lucy up later that day, she was very pleased to see us & we were of course pleased to see her, not only perfectly unscathed, but also clean, neat, fluffy and smelling clean!  This is her now with her new do - look at those fluffy white paws, so cute!  It's been raining so they won't stay that way for long.

She really is the one with the waggedy tail, hence the blur


  1. That really is just too funny!
    The things animals get up to!

  2. Aww she looks so proper after :D


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