Thursday, December 16, 2010

On the Blog-wagon

Yep, I've finally done it ... jumped on the blog-wagon.  I don't know that I have anything particularly exciting to share but I'll see how I go.

So, a little about me just to set the context for my (fabulously glamorous, of course!) life.  I'm in my mid 30s, and in October this year I married my darling husband.  We're loving married life so far - although nothing has really changed in our day to day life, we're still just ridiculously excited about calling each other husband and wife and say it about 20 times a day.  You'll hear more about him.  Here is a picture from our wedding day.

We have a little dog called Lucy, who is a ball of energy and of fur.  She is constantly hilarious and lights up our lives, even though she is very naughty.  I'm sure you'll hear more about her too.  This is my favourite photo of Lucy.

Yes, okay ... I admit it.  I get her to type up these entries for me.  She's a demon at HTML too.

My other loves are holidays (umm yeah, like who doesn't?), cooking and drinking wine.  I also like trying to keep fit - well, sometimes I like it.  At other times I hate it, but it's a necessary evil.  And I do love getting fantabulous results for my hard work.  No pain, no gain as they say.  I have always wanted to know who "they" are, and why "they" have so much to say about everything.  These questions and more will be explored at a later stage.

Until next time ...


  1. Yay! Welcome to blog land!
    I'm your first follower!
    How fun is the husband and wife thing! So silly! But so fun!
    I got my first "To my wife" birthday card today!!!

  2. Yay, a follower! Thanks Sammie! And now I have a second one too ... but I don't know who it is, and I haven't even told anyone yet. haha

  3. Hey Natters.. glad to see you have started a blog! Looking forward to keeping updated on whats going on in your world.
    Lucy is gorgeous!! Hope to see more of her too :)

  4. Good luck with the blog, I've just stumbled upon it randomly and have enjoyed the read :)

  5. Thanks Ellise! What a funny old world this internet thing is. I love your blog too - glad you stumbled here.


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