Saturday, December 18, 2010


I do the cooking in this house.  Almost always.  Sometimes the Mr will do things like prep veggies for a stir-fry while I'm at the gym (not that this has been happening much recently!).  But generally, I do the cooking and he does the washing up ... and I like it that way.

However, while we were on honeymoon it was agreed that he should try to cook just a little bit, and build up a repertoire of a few dishes.  So we agreed that he would make one meal per week, most likely on a weekend as he would have time to potter about and not get panicky or stressed.  So yes, we have been back from honeymoon for over a month but this is going to be the first attempt (in fairness to the Mr he was away in South Africa for work for over a week of that time).  He is in the kitchen right now making us breakfast - omelette.  I'll report back on how he goes. 

[Update:  bless him, he just came running in to tell me he didn't know which pot in the backyard was Basil.]

Meanwhile, I'm sipping my orange juice here, nursing my headache from far too many red wines last night at the work Christmas party.  Aside: got the train home - it was an all stops train, and honestly was the slowest trip ever.  Thought I was going to vomit, seriously.  We only live at Ashfield, but it seemed to take forever and I was *this* close to getting off at Stanmore so I could throw up then call the Mr to come & get me.  haha  Glad I didn't.  And I have about 75% of my Christmas shopping left to do, and it must be today.


  1. Way way too many Champagnes here last night too.
    (I'm still in my PJ's... Shh... Don't tell anyone)
    Hope you got some of your shopping done.

  2. Oh you poor thing! I'm suffering here today, after the mister's family Christmas do (boy my inlaws can celebrate....and encourage me to celebrate).

    I also used to live in Stanmore. I loved how close it was to everything. However, it felt like a lifetime on the train with a hangover so I feel your pain going to Ashfield.

    Hope you got your shopping done. I'm supposed to go today....hopefully after copious cups of coffee I'll feel human again.

  3. oh dear. Christmas shopping with a hangover. *Shudder* why do we do it to ourselves..!! always seems like fun at the time!

    Well done to your Mister for giving the cooking a go!


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