Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make it Stop!

So, as we all know Prince William will marry Kate Middleton tomorrow.  Yay - a royal wedding.  I will watch it & I'll enjoy it, because it is a rare event.  But, holy mother of pearl I am SICK TO DEATH of the media vultures.  This week I have seen such gems posing as news as:

  • Baby girl predicted within the year (so clearly this is just completely made-up)
  • Kate's dress still a secret - yep, that was a headline
  • And today, "waify Katie" and how she is so unhealthy because she's lost some weight before her wedding ... the one where 2 billion people will watch her walk down the most massive aisle you've ever seen.
Leave the poor girl the fuck alone!!!  She must be absolutely packing it right now.  They seem like a nice young couple who just want to get married.  Why must it become a circus?  These bottom-feeders in the media won't be happy until they've hounded her to the same fate as Diana, will they?

That is all.



  1. I think the comments about her looking skinny are a bit unfair! She looked so beautiful in her dress - elegant and stunning :)

  2. I think so too ... and the second she maybe puts even a gram back on they'll be reporting how she's "let herself go" ... or is that a "baby bump"?? I give it a week after they're back from honeymoon before the bump-watch nonsense begains.

    What's scarier still is this was all in the Sydney Morning Herald, not even New Idea or anything like that.


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