Saturday, June 18, 2011

Operation Quit

This is it - the first day of my life as a non smoker.  I have just read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking.  He instructs the reader to keep smoking whilst reading the book, and kind of implies all the way through that there will be some magical instructions at the end that will make it all seem so easy & it will be no problem when you get to the end.  To be honest, I was a bit disappointed.  These "instructions" that he keeps referring to are just a repetition of points he has made during the book, and is of course all stuff I already know.

The key is the difference between knowing it and really knowing it .... consciously feeling it.  I can't say for sure if I do, but I know I need to stop.  So that was it, I smoked last night and said whatever was left would be thrown out this morning.  There was one left and Ant (my husband) threw it out, with my lighter, this morning.  I know when I have real drive and determination to do something, I can.  After all, it is a conscious decision whether to smoke or not - just as it is a conscious decision whether to go to the gym or not, or what you put in your mouth, etc.  So, in accordance with Mr Carr's instructions, I have not "given up" anything.  I am now a non smoker, and will rejoice in that fact!

 In other news, I am off to the GP later this morning.  This is the visit where I say, we want to start trying for a baby so what tests do I need, etc?  Silly I know, but I am a bit nervous just about this visit!  haha  I had planned to stop smoking well before this visit (it had been booked for a few weeks), so I could confidently tell the doctor that I no longer smoke.  Just took me longer to get through the book than I thought it would.  I definitely want to be well shot of smoking before potentially becoming pregnant, of course.  I suppose it is not a lie to walk in there today and say, no I no longer smoke ... don't have to mention that this is only since about 11pm last night!  haha  Anyway, will see how I go at the quack - hopefully it will be all on for next month.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the no smoking. I'm glad you decided to quit.
    And how very exciting that you are making the decision to start trying for a baby!!!
    I am sure that the stopping smoking will be made a whole lot easier because of the trying for a baby thing.
    now... I need to get my butt out of this bed and make that conscious decision to go to the GYM.
    Don't feel silly for going to the Dr. and saying "what do I/we do now? I did it and felt silly too... But it really is the best thing you can do.


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