Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nothing in Particular

Well, once again I've been slack - but that's because I've been very busy trying to settle into the new job, as well as get back into the gym.  I have unfortunately put on so much weight since my wedding and I'm putting a stop to it right now before I have to resort to my old, larger clothes that I had put away in bags but not gotten rid of yet.

The new job is going well.  It's very interesting, and I'm actually engaged and enjoying learning something new - yay!  I had been so unmotivated and uninterested in work for quite some time.  Also, I'm back in Pyrmont again, which is great.  I liked working in Pyrmont before (the job before the last one) and absolutely HATED trekking to North Sydney more recently.  So I'm back on the car and the tram, and off the train (thank flock for that!) - watch out people.

My mister has been away the last 2 days in Fiji for work - I know, nice for some.  Bula!  But he is back now & Lucy & I so happy to have him home.  He goes away semi regularly and I do miss him, but I am fine here & I actually think it is good for our relationship.  It keeps up my independence, makes us miss each other & also gives me a chance to catch up on things I find I don't usually have time to do.  I eat more healthily when he is away, and find I have more time to go to the gym and do things like face masks etc.  And he usually brings me presents!

This post has been a bit of a random combination of chit-chat ... but next time, photos of the veggie garden we have built!  It's been in for 2 weeks now, but I just have one more photo I want to take before I take my dear readers on our veggie patch journey (I know, I should be a writer for Masterchef or Biggest Loser).


  1. I love Pyrmont! Went to the best restaurant the other night - Graze - the food was delicious. Have you been there?

    Can't wait to see pics of your veggie garden. That is my #1 thing I wish I had at the moment.

  2. Oh no, I haven't been to Graze ... will add it to the list. I went to Alira recently though, and that was fantastic! Pyrmont has some great places. I love Gallon too.


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