Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make it Stop!

So, as we all know Prince William will marry Kate Middleton tomorrow.  Yay - a royal wedding.  I will watch it & I'll enjoy it, because it is a rare event.  But, holy mother of pearl I am SICK TO DEATH of the media vultures.  This week I have seen such gems posing as news as:

  • Baby girl predicted within the year (so clearly this is just completely made-up)
  • Kate's dress still a secret - yep, that was a headline
  • And today, "waify Katie" and how she is so unhealthy because she's lost some weight before her wedding ... the one where 2 billion people will watch her walk down the most massive aisle you've ever seen.
Leave the poor girl the fuck alone!!!  She must be absolutely packing it right now.  They seem like a nice young couple who just want to get married.  Why must it become a circus?  These bottom-feeders in the media won't be happy until they've hounded her to the same fate as Diana, will they?

That is all.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Sowing to Reap (let's hope!)

Ok, the slackest blogger ever is still alive - sorry folks!  Now for the long-promised post about creating our veggie patch.

Credit must go to Mr Nat for the manual labour.  He wouldn't even let me help with the hard digging/turning of soil - in fairness, this was right after I suffered the terrible back pain too.  But given then veggie patch is all my idea and he really had no enthusiasm for it, it was very kind of him to put in such an effort.

Now, let me take you on a photographic journey from patch of lawn & weeds, to bountiful kitchen garden!

Before - our backyard & in particular, the section where the veggie garden will go. 
Note the track Lucy has worn just at the bottom left of the picture.

The mister, doing his digging thing.

Lucy - helping.

Getting there ...

The growing pile of dirt & weeds.

Compost & top-soil added, ready to plant!
This was the point at which he declared it is now my responsibility.

Upper bed

Lower bed

So that was the initial planting done.  The following weekend I put down mulch.  Then 2 weeks after that (which was last weekend) I did some weeding and some more planting, as well as adding the final touch - signage. 

For those of you who've seen our wedding photos, you may recognise these blackboard signs from our reception tables.  So now we get to re-use them!  Unfortunately I didn't quite have enough, so had to be selective.  I'd love to find some more - couldn't find them again on ebay, which is where I bought them in the first place.  If anyone knows where to get some, please let me know!

By this stage (3 weeks after initial planting) the lettuce & rocket were going great guns, so I harvested quite a lot of leaves & planted some new seedlings in & around them so there would be ongoing supply.  I took these shots after harvesting the leaves so you can't see how big they'd become.

This is the bag of leaves I picked - bigger than it looks here.  They were yummy too!

Sorry for soooo many photos people, but anyway - there it is.  Let's hope my garden grows well.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nothing in Particular

Well, once again I've been slack - but that's because I've been very busy trying to settle into the new job, as well as get back into the gym.  I have unfortunately put on so much weight since my wedding and I'm putting a stop to it right now before I have to resort to my old, larger clothes that I had put away in bags but not gotten rid of yet.

The new job is going well.  It's very interesting, and I'm actually engaged and enjoying learning something new - yay!  I had been so unmotivated and uninterested in work for quite some time.  Also, I'm back in Pyrmont again, which is great.  I liked working in Pyrmont before (the job before the last one) and absolutely HATED trekking to North Sydney more recently.  So I'm back on the car and the tram, and off the train (thank flock for that!) - watch out people.

My mister has been away the last 2 days in Fiji for work - I know, nice for some.  Bula!  But he is back now & Lucy & I so happy to have him home.  He goes away semi regularly and I do miss him, but I am fine here & I actually think it is good for our relationship.  It keeps up my independence, makes us miss each other & also gives me a chance to catch up on things I find I don't usually have time to do.  I eat more healthily when he is away, and find I have more time to go to the gym and do things like face masks etc.  And he usually brings me presents!

This post has been a bit of a random combination of chit-chat ... but next time, photos of the veggie garden we have built!  It's been in for 2 weeks now, but I just have one more photo I want to take before I take my dear readers on our veggie patch journey (I know, I should be a writer for Masterchef or Biggest Loser).