Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Should Have Been a Vet

This is obviously not Lucy, but funny pic, no?  [Image from ]

Lucy had a little visit to the vet the other day.  She is very healthy, but the last time she had her general check-up and immunisations, the vet commented that she was getting some build-up on her teeth that would need to be removed by scraping it off.  Now, obviously dogs will not do what they're told and just lay down for that kind of shit (especially not Lucy!) ... so this had to involve a general anaesthetic.  Do I hear a *ker-CHING!*?  Well, you'd be right.  Minor dental procedure, in & out in  few hours - but they managed to relieve us of $444 along the way.  Nice work if you can get it!  I will definitely be encouraging vet as a solid career option for any future children.  My boss remarked that they have recently purchased their vet a Porsche, and I think he was only half-joking.  My other boss made the rather distasteful (but true) observation that a new dog would cost us less.  Let us all hope that no more visits to the vet are needed for a good long while.

In other news, my husband's omelette on Saturday morning was very tasty.  It may have been a tad over-cooked, but who of us can claim to have never over-cooked an omelette ... and it was his first attempt people; go easy.  He was way too hard on himself, of course.  He did chuck a little tanty actually, looking all sulky and muttering about how he'd "f*#ked it up" (I admit, I may have been laughing at him a wee bit at this point, which probably didn't help) and refusing to believe me that it tasted good.  Only after he'd had several bites himself did he calm down a tad and grudgingly admit it did "have a lot of nice flavours".  This is what one gets for marrying a moody Scorpio.  Lucky I love him!

I also took a couple of Panadol and got amongst the shopping hordes.  I braved the CBD and thoroughly inspected the new Westfield in Pitt St Mall.  Rather swish ... although how much do the staff at GAP love themselves sick??  Hilarious.  I'm pleased to report that I did eventually have success with my shopping.  I had already bought for my nephew, so needed to buy for my niece, my husband and my mum.  In my family, we do a draw amongst the adults so I only needed to buy for Mum and my husband bought for my brother ... but we have also still bought for each other.  I hope all my gifts go down well.  Just need to finish wrapping them now.

We just had a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and some chocolate covered strawberries in the office this afternoon.  How civilised is that?  After a very long lunch yesterday catching up with a lovely friend I had not seen in AGES, this week is becoming almost bearable.  One more day of work - yay!


  1. Look at this!

    Both our wedding locations are there!!!

  2. hehe Yeah - the Natalie that commented on that post was me! The Southern Highlands and South Coast are both so gorgeous.

  3. Ah the things we do for our pets! We have spent a bomb on ours over the years.. but all worth it for happy and healthy pooches!

    I have added you to my blog roll.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

  4. Thanks love! Hope you're having a great festive season so far. Here's to 2011 being a very exciting year!!


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